Good Teaching
A foremost characteristic of good teaching is expert knowledge of the subject matter, and of teaching methodologies (Woolfolk, 2004). Expert knowledge can be derived by being a good college student making preparations to teach, and through dedication to acquiring the necessary subject matter knowledge to be on the cutting edge of ones selected field. I personally have seldom ever experienced good teaching by someone with weak knowledge of subject matter information. However, expert teachers with little expert knowledge in subject matter may exude expert teaching through acquired skills and expertise in other areas such as, knowledge of general teaching strategies, proper use of curriculum material, knowledge of characteristics and cultural background of their students, the most appropriate settings in which students best learn, and overall knowledge of the general goals of education (Woolfolk, 2004, p. 6). This process, of course usually takes time and experience.
An example of characteristics mentioned above is supported by a position statement of the International Reading Association in which they argue, "Every child deserves excellent reading teachers because teachers make a difference in children's reading achievement and motivation to read," (International Reading Association, 2000, p. 235).
According to the International Reading Association, excellent reading teachers share several critical qualities of knowledge and practice:
1. They understand reading and writing development and believe all children can learn to read and write.
2. They continually assess children's individual progress and relate reading instruction to children's previous experiences.
3. They know a variety of ways to teach reading, when to use each method, and how to combine the methods into an effective instructional program.
4. They offer a variety of materials and texts for children to read.
5. They use flexible grouping strategies to tailor instruction to individual students.
6. They are good reading "coaches" (2000, p.235)
Gore's work (as cited in Montgomery & Thomas, 1998. p. 372) suggests that the ideas of reflective teaching methodology in teacher preparation go back to Dewey (1904, 1933). What does reflection yield in providing teachers the proper feedback by which they may become better teachers? `What do teachers do that helps? What do teachers do that hurts? What advice do you have for teachers?
Speaking more on the topic of a sense of humor, I can easily recall an outstanding science teacher who I had in high school. One hundred sixty-one students participated, and the results showed significant differences between the two groups in favor of the group learning with humor. The students (all females) were divided randomly into two groups. Humor was used in one, and the same teacher taught the second group without using humor. Indications support my experiences in school, i.e., humor in the classroom enhances not only interest in the subject matter, but better performance by students.
The above-mentioned characteristics of good teaching reflect the feedback from students, results from scientific studies, and reflection by teachers. One more source of input on what constitutes good teaching is derived from those who hire teachers, namely the school administrators. What qualities do school administrators seek in prospective teachers? In a 1998 study (Kesten, Lang, Ralph, and Smith (1998) conducted with Canadian school administrators, the school district hiring preferences in a Western Canadian province were depicted.
These Canadian school administrators ranked the following attributes of good teaching as prerequisites for hiring:
1. Establishing positive classroom climate
2. Building/maintaining rapport with students
3. Classroom management/discipline
4. Personal qualities (e.g., creativity)
5. Using communication/interpersonal skills
6. Planning/preparing for instruction
7. Maintaining rapport with parents/community
8. Using instructional methods/strategies
9. Building/maintaining rapport with staff
10. Using instructional skills (e.g., explaining)
11. Knowledge of subject matter
12. Using evaluation/assessment procedures
13. Extracurricular work
14. Professional development
15. Knowledge of core curriculum
16. Record keeping/reporting
17. Multi-/cross-cultural sensitivity
18. Using computers/e-mail (Kesten, Lang, Ralph, and Smith (1998, p. 47)
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